Featured item:
Let’s end the Council Tax Trap
Up to two million people with mental health problems in the UK have fallen into a Council Tax Trap – missing one payment that triggers increasingly aggressive demands from councils to pay rapidly escalating amounts of money.
The aggressive way that councils rapidly escalate collection and charges is trapping millions of people with mental health problems in debt and despair – that needs to change.
Sign the petition.
“It’s an appalling system, I can’t manage it. As soon as I start hearing threats, I become incapable. But even when I’m well enough to contact them and ask for a payment plan to help me keep on top of my finances, they bin me off.”
– Sharon, Expert by experience
Money and Mental Health’s submission to the Scottish Government’s consultation on a Mental Health Moratorium
Money and Mental Health supports the Scottish Government’s proposed eligibility criteria, application process, and protections for the Mental Health Moratorium. In particular, we support the decision to widen the eligibility criteria to include those receiving treatment voluntarily and within a community.
January 14, 2025Reforming the Mental Health Act
Time to tackle the links between financial difficulty and acute mental illness.
October 23, 2024Five tips for employers to support mental and financial health in the workplace
Lewis White, External Affairs Intern, Money and Mental Health
October 10, 2024‘Council tax collection practices are so aggressive they’d make the banks blush’ — Up to 2m people with mental health problems are at risk of hideous harms, warns Martin Lewis’ charity.
Research published Money and Mental Health exposes local council debt collection practices — showing them to be far more aggressive than financial firms, and driving unacceptable harms that disproportionately affect people with mental health problems.
September 09, 2024Money Saving Expert
Money Saving Expert reported on the call from Martin Lewis to stop aggressive council tax debt collection practices informed by our latest report.
September 09, 2024Best practice checklist: Debt advice providers
Half of people in problem debt have a mental health problem. This checklist sets out how debt advice providers can make their services more accessible for people with mental health problems.
July 29, 2020