Join our Research Community, a group of ‘experts by experience’ whose ideas and opinions shape our research and campaigns.

“As a member of the Research Community I was invited to speak at one of Money and Mental Health’s launch events. The somewhat daunting experience was helped by the amazing moral support extended to me by the team. The reception from the audience made the whole thing worthwhile and I believe fundamentally that hearing from someone with lived experience had a significant impact. I posted the press coverage from the event on social media which led to a number of my friends joining the community. I cannot emphasise enough what a difference your experience can make.” – Sarah James, Research Community member
Find out more about the Research Community from our Chair and Founder Martin Lewis:
Why join the Research Community?
As a charity, our community of experts by experience is at the heart of everything we do. They are a group of people with personal experience either of living with a mental health problem, or of supporting someone who does. You can help us break the link between financial difficulties and mental health problems, by joining our mental health community with Martin Lewis, today.
As a member, you’ll be invited to take part in surveys, questionnaires or focus groups – either online or in person. We hope to offer you free trials of new products or services to test what works. And we will make sure your voice is heard by government, banks, retailers, regulators, the NHS and beyond.
Signing up puts you under no obligation to take part in particular activities, we’ll send you information about opportunities to get involved and you can pick what works for you.
All information you share with us will be held securely, and only visible to a small number of trained staff. You can read more about how we will protect your privacy here