Nikki Bond

Head of Gambling Harms Action Lab

Nikki Bond leads the Gambling Harms Action Lab at the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. She heads our work with financial services and the wider sector to tackle gambling-related financial harms. From May 2023 to April 2024, she was Interim Head of Research and Policy. Prior to this, Nikki worked as a Research Officer leading our work to tackle mental health problems and financial difficulties in the debt advice sector, health services and the benefits system. Before joining Money and Mental Health in 2017, she worked in both financial and social care services, supporting people from marginalised groups. (she/her)


Policy notes and publications

  • Access to debt advice April 2, 2024 - The needs of people with serious mental health problems.
  • Debts and despair December 14, 2023 - How debt collection practices contribute to psychological harm.
  • Too much information? November 16, 2023 - Exploring opportunities and challenges presented by vulnerability data-sharing.
  • The pensions maze June 6, 2023 - Achieving better retirements for people with mental health problems.

Recent blogs