Conor D’Arcy

Deputy Chief Executive

Conor is Deputy Chief Executive of Money and Mental Health. His role includes helping the charity to run as effectively as possible, as well as overseeing its research and policy development. From May 2023 to April 2024, he also served as Money and Mental Health’s Interim Chief Executive. Prior to joining the team as Head of Research and Policy in 2020, Conor worked in the civil service but has spent most of his career in the third sector, with roles at the Resolution Foundation and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. From 2021-23, he was a trustee of the Lewisham Irish Community Centre. He spends his free time running around South East London and entertaining two very large cats. (he/him) @conortdarcy

Policy notes and publications

  • Too much information? November 16, 2023 - Exploring opportunities and challenges presented by vulnerability data-sharing.
  • Untapped potential March 13, 2023 - Reducing economic inactivity among people with mental health problems.
  • Bombarded December 6, 2022 - Reducing the psychological harm caused by the cost of living crisis.
  • No One Left Behind July 12, 2022 - Making levelling up deliver for people with mental health problems.

Recent blogs