BEST PRACTICE Guides to improving emotional and financial wellbeing

People with mental health problems are three times as likely to be in financial difficulty. Service providers have the power to dramatically improve the financial and emotional wellbeing of their customers by introducing new tools, settings and processes that help customers with mental health problems manage money successfully. This page is an evolving hub of vulnerable customer best practice guides which support firms to do just that.

Front cover of Money and Mental Health's Best Practice Guide for mortgage lenders.Best practice

A best practice guide for mortgage lenders

How firms can support their customers with money and mental health problems.

November 29, 2024
Best practice

A best practice guide for insurers: Supporting customers with mental health problems

Steps that insurers can take to support customers with mental health problems through the customer journey, from applying to making a claim.

March 29, 2023
Supporting vulnerable customers

Making it easier for consumers to disclose a mental health problem

In collaboration with the Money Advice Trust, these practical guides will help essential services firms support more people with mental health problems to disclose their condition.

November 09, 2022
Best practice

A guide for energy firms on supporting customers with mental health problems

How firms can help to support their customers through the energy crisis.

April 20, 2022
Best practice

The Equality Act and Mental Health: A practical guide for essential services firms

Practical, tangible changes firms could make to help ensure they comply with the Equality Act 2010 and better support their customers with mental health problems.

March 02, 2022
Best practice

Best practice guide for banks and building societies: Gambling

Our best practice guide for banks and building societies sets out how you can support customers experiencing gambling harm.

July 20, 2021
Best practice

Best practice checklist: employers

How employers can support people with their money and mental health.

February 03, 2021
Best practice

Best practice checklist: Debt advice providers

Half of people in problem debt have a mental health problem. This checklist sets out how debt advice providers can make their services more accessible for people with mental health problems.

July 29, 2020
Best practice

The need to know: Understanding and evidencing customers’ mental health problems

In partnership with the Money Advice Trust, and with support from UK Finance, this guide is designed help creditors support customers affected by debt and mental health problems.

February 19, 2020
Best practice

Best practice checklist: social landlords

How local councils and housing associations can better support their tenants experiencing money and mental health problems.

April 16, 2018

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