Money and mental health in a time of crisis 24 November 2021 Nikki Bond, Senior Research Officer, Money and Mental Health Money and mental health in a [...] Continue Reading
Supporting those with problem debt during the pandemic 22 October 202026 October 2020 Haylie Page, External Affairs Intern, Money and Mental Health Supporting those with problem debt during [...] Continue Reading
We stopped the most distressing Debt Threats! 7 October 20205 July 2023 This blog was published following campaign progress we made in October 2020. To learn about [...] Continue Reading
Introducing our new checklist for debt advice services 12 August 202012 August 2020 Merlyn Holkar, Senior Research Officer, Money and Mental Health Introducing our new checklist for debt advice services [...] Continue Reading
Making free debt advice accessible to people with mental health problems 23 July 202023 July 2020 Nikki Bond, Senior Research Officer, Money and Mental Health Making free debt advice accessible to [...] Continue Reading
Time for government to Stop the Debt Threats during Covid-19 3 June 20205 July 2023 Katie Alpin, Interim Chief Executive, Money and Mental Health Time for government to Stop the [...] Continue Reading
The government must act to stop ‘debt threat’ letters during the Covid-19 outbreak 14 April 2020 Katie Alpin, Interim Chief Executive, Money and Mental Health The government must act to stop [...] Continue Reading
Three reflections on the FCA’s coronavirus support measures 9 April 2020 Juno Bhardwaj Shah, External Affairs Intern, Money and Mental Health Three reflections on the FCA’s [...] Continue Reading
The links between problem gambling, self-harm and mental health 6 January 20203 January 2020 Sally McManus, Researcher The links between problem gambling, self-harm and mental health PLEASE NOTE: This [...] Continue Reading
Beyond a label: taking a broader view of mental health, debt and vulnerability 3 April 201910 April 2019 Kiri Saunders, External Communications Manager, Christians Against Poverty Beyond a label: taking a broader view [...] Continue Reading