Nikki Bond, Senior Research Officer, Money and Mental Health Policy Institute
A fit-for-purpose managed migration process: safeguarding claimants with mental health problems in the move to Universal Credit
12 September 2022
This paper explores people with mental health problems’ experiences of ‘managed migration’ – the government’s process of moving people from legacy benefits to Universal Credit (UC). Our analysis identifies the barriers that may be faced by claimants with mental health problems during this process – such as reduced concentration, difficulty with communication and challenges in advocating for oneself – which are putting many people at risk of failing to complete a claim, and at risk of being cut of from their benefits all together.
We’re calling on the Department for Work and Pensions to make a public guarantee that they will not stop the benefits of anyone in the process of migrating to UC, until they’ve made a successful claim. We’re also urging them to engage with claimants pre-emptively ahead of migration notices, using simple and clear communications including information on the support options available.